PhD on Digital Obsolescence
In january 2023 I began a PhD thesis on Digital Obsolescence.
This PhD thesis in computer science takes place at Université Lyon 1, under the supervisions of Aurélien Tabard,
within the research team
Limites numériques.
Here is a detailed description of my
PhD project, and my results until now.
This document will be revised and updated often on this website. Last
revision was published on May 31, 2023.
All of my research publications are available on
HAL or on
Software and prjects (core developer)
MassChroQ, a free software (Gnu GPL) for quantification of mass spectrometry data.
MaDada, a free and open source plateform
for making freedom of information access demands.
My project forges
Master's thesis and other reports
Proof nets and unit-free *-autonomous categories, master thesis in MPRI (Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique), under the supervision of
Lutz Strassburger at INRIA, Saclay, 2009. (pdf).
The incremental monadic work, internship report of my Computer Science Master 1, under the supervision of
Roberto Di Cosmo at the Preuves, Programmes et Systèmes PPS team, in Université Paris Diderot, 2008 (pdf).
Some theoretical fundamental questions regarding the masses in quantum physics, internship undergraduate report under the supervision of
Bruno Machet,
at the LPTHE, Laboratoire de Physique Théorique des Hautes Energies, in Université Pierre et Marie Curie, 2003 (pdf).
Chosen documentation and notes
- MassChroQ user manual, manpage, FAQ and masschroqML scheme are all available here.
Basic information on licenses and collaborative software development, laboratory information report regarding the free and open source code licences and some collaborative developing tools and forges at BCF-Calanques, 2016 (pdf).
Chosen talks and posters
: one year of activism
Educational resources and free licenses talk for the
Etats Généraux du Numérique Libre, November 2020, pdf ici.
Free software for SuperCafoutch, talk to the IT staff of
SuperCafoutch, the first cooperative citizen-owned supermarket in
Marseille, about the importance of choosing only free software in
SuperCafoutch, see the presentation in slides or in article mode.
Paye ton logiciel libre, joint talk given with E. Revat and V.
Grousset at Journées du Logiciel Libre Lyon, JDLL 2019,
video available here.
Optimisation de programmes parallélisés de calcul scientifique,
conférence aux Journées CNRS ProDev 2018, 2018 (pdf).
MassChroQ, logiciel de quantification par spectrométrie de
masse, talk at the Rencontres bio-informaticiens et statisticiens de l'INRA, 2011 (pdf).
MassChroQ, Mass Chromatogram Quantifier software, talk at the Colloque annuel de l'UMR de Génétique Végétale du Moulon, 2011 (pdf).
MassChroQ, a complete tool for mass spectrometry-based proteomic
quantification, Poster at the Final COST meeting : Plant Proteomics in Europe, 2011 (pdf).
Workshops and events
I am co-founder of RevLibre,
organization that aims to spread, educate and promote libre software and
libre tools, hoping that tomorrow we will build a society that promotes
collaboration, autonomy, decentralization, libre common tools, and
I organize and animate workshops about digital self and collective
defense, about security, about freeing digital life, (un-GAFAM-isation) for everyone, workshops about coding or digital education for children, workshops about repairing computers, and other events related to digital freedom. You can contact me for everything related to this subject, I would love to help if I can.
I co-organised two Technopolice art exhibitions (in Avignon and in
Marseille) and the first Technopolice film festival in Marseille in
2022. I also organize Technopolice camera cartographical walks (we walk
and talk and add public surveillance cameras on OpenStreetMap).